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Author :
Byeol-A Yoon 4 Articles
17 Isolated facial diplegia variant of Guillain–Barré syndrome with anti-GM1 IgG antibody
Jin Ho Jung, Sukyoon Lee, Jung Hwa Seo, Jong Seok Bae, Kyong Jin Shin, Jong Kuk Kim, Byeol-A Yoon, Seong-il Oh
Ann Clin Neurophysiol. 2022; 24(1): 17-20.   Published online April 28, 2022
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112 Overlap syndrome of Miller-Fisher syndrome/Pharyngeal-Cervical-Brachial variant-Guillain Barre Syndrome with anti-ganglioside complex antibodies
Suk-yoon Lee, Seong-il Oh, So-Young Huh, Kyong Jin Shin, Jong Kuk Kim, Byeol-A Yoon
Ann Clin Neurophysiol. 2020; 22(2): 112-116.   Published online October 28, 2020
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13 Electrognostic findings of Guillain-Barré syndrome
Byeol-A Yoon, Jong Seok Bae, Jong Kuk Kim
Ann Clin Neurophysiol. 2020; 22(1): 13-18.   Published online April 30, 2020
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53 Miller Fisher syndrome mimicking Wernicke encephalopathy during pregnancy
Jung Hwa Seo, Mi-Ri Kang, Byeol-A Yoon, Ki-Hwan Ji, Seong-il Oh
Ann Clin Neurophysiol. 2019; 21(1): 53-56.   Published online January 29, 2019
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